1942: Good Comrades by Felix Salten, translated by Paul R. Milton
Good Comrades is a novel written by Felix Salten, which tells the story of a group of animals living in a forest during World War II. The animals, including a deer, a rabbit, a fox, and a badger, must band together to survive the dangers of the war and protect their home from destruction. The novel explores themes of friendship, loyalty, and the impact of war on innocent creatures.
The novel is a classic example of anthropomorphism, as the animals are given human-like qualities and personalities. Salten’s vivid descriptions of the forest and its inhabitants create a rich and immersive world for readers to explore. The translation by Paul R. Milton captures the essence of Salten’s original work and makes it accessible to English-speaking audiences. Good Comrades is a heartwarming and thought-provoking tale that will appeal to readers of all ages.